Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Do Thanksgiving and The Fourth Of July Have In Common??

Autism and holidays can go together like oil and water! There are usually several more people around than normal and a lot of them the child may not know as well. Therefore anxiety and over stimulation can be a problem....We spent Thanksgiving at Brian's family's house. John-Isaac loves to be down there. The morning started off very normal. Breakfast and a little TV. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade came on which John-Isaac was very excited about because he got to see his favorite character Snoopy!! At some point though something snapped in his head and he screamed "Fireworks!". I said, "John-Isaac, this is Thanksgiving, we don't do fireworks on Thanksgiving. Those are for the Fourth of July." Every time he would look at the TV and the parade he would yell, "Fireworks! Fourth of July!" I still don't have a clue what was going through his little head. Maybe he was thinking about our parade that got rained out on the Fourth. Or maybe it had nothing to do with anything and he just wanted to see fireworks. I may never know. Maybe we will start a new tradition of fireworks on Thanksgiving!! Other than this little blip on the radar the rest of our day went wonderfully.